What Is A Bitcoin Withdrawal Address

4 min readJul 21, 2021


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You can find your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) or Bitcoin Core (BTC) address for receiving payments into your Bitcoin.com wallet by tapping ‘Receive’ on the bottom tool bar of your wallet. Your address will be the long string of numbers and letters directly below the QR code for that address.


How to turn off the withdrawal address whitelist function. To turn off the withdrawal address whitelist function, click the button on the right side of Address Management. After turning off the whitelist function, your account will be able to withdraw to any withdrawal address, which may lead to greater risk. Buy Bitcoin Cash. What is Bitcoin withdrawal address is a new currency that was created American state 2009 by an unknown person using the also known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Written account are made with no middle men — content, no banks! What is Bitcoin withdrawal address terminate be utilised to book hotels off Expedia, shop for furniture on Overstock. BTC: The address starts with ‘3’, it supports more complex functions than the Legacy address, in order to be compatible with the old version. Legacy: The address starts with ‘1’, which is the original address format of Bitcoin and is still in use today. KuCoin does not support this format of the deposit address.

If the person/company is sending you BCH then select one of your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallets. American poker sites real money. If they are to send you BTC, please make sure they you provide them with an address from your Bitcoin Core (BTC) wallet.


You can switch between your BTC and BCH wallets at the bottom of the page by tapping/clicking on the wallet name and selecting the one you wish to receive bitcoins to.

All Bitcoin Core (BTC) addresses will start with the number ‘1’ or ‘3’.
What can make things a little confusing sometimes, is that Bitcoin Cash (BCH) addresses can also start with either a ‘1’ or ‘3’ if being displayed in the old ‘legacy’ format. (This is because BCH is a fork off the BTC chain)

What Is A Bitcoin Withdrawal Address

To help cut down on confusion a new BCH address format was introduced called the ‘cash address’ format (or cashaddr for short).
All BCH addresses using the new ‘cash address’ format, will start with either the letter ‘q’ or ‘p
(If providing an address to receive Bitcoin Cash (BCH), we highly recommend that you provide a BCH in the ‘cash address’ format. This is so that nobody will accidentally send BTC to your BCH address)

Sometimes you may see a BCH address starting with ‘C’, this is the ‘BitPay’ BCH address format.

If you want to swap between the different BCH address formats, you can do so on the ‘Receive’ screen by tapping/clicking on the ‘Address Type’ option.

Please note that this address will change every time you receive a payment, however all previously used addresses that have been generated by your Bitcoin.com wallet can continue to receive payments.

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Withdraw bitcoin cash

You must be careful not to send BCH to a BTC address or vice-versa, as recovery with all wallets is not possible.
If you are purchasing bitcoins for a specific reason, please confirm if you require BCH or BTC before proceeding with your purchase.

Since both Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) are irreversible payment systems, there is no way to reverse a sent transaction, or for you to recover bitcoins from your end.

If someone is asking you to provide them with a ‘Testnet’ address, then only provide it if you are to get the BTC for free. Testnet coins have no real world value, and are mainly only used by developers.

What Is A Bitcoin Withdrawal Address Meaning

If you are still only new to the world of bitcoin and want to know more about how the payment system works, then i highly suggest that you sign up for our free email course called ‘Bitcoin Basics’. It will teach you all the basics you should know about bitcoin before starting.

Please also be sure to read our Getting Started section to learn more about Bitcoin and how it works.

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